A Guide to Women's Intimate Health

Problems in your intimate area? Discover our exclusive guide to the female microbiome – your guide to balanced vaginal health.

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Did you know that your gut health can have a direct impact on your vaginal flora?

You can find out more about this important connection, as well as insightful information about bacterial vaginosis, vaginal fungus, cystitis, vaginal dryness, menopause and much more in our practical guide with tips from Anita Frauwallner.

Want to know more about the bacteria in and around your body?

Did you know that humans are densely populated by bacteria? From the skin to the digestive tract to the respiratory tract, and even to the urogenital tract. They live everywhere in complex microbial communities. Even in the vaginal area and in the mammary glands of mothers there are important protective bacteria that have a significant impact on their babies right from the start!

Discover more about your gut bacteria

More on Gut Health